Consonants and Vowels...

As I go on my journey that is my life, I am inclined to write about experiences or feelings, share pics, recipes, ideas, oh just whatever may pop into my cluttered brain. Feel free to read and or share if you so desire...

Sunday, January 4, 2009


I am not feeling very well. It started on Friday and is not getting better. This morning, I woke up early because I just feel like hell and I don't really want to share details, but I might really have something wrong with me... I am going to call the doctor tomorrow. It sucks being a nurse sometimes. There are times when I am a bit of a hypochondriac, ya know? Just because I know enough to be dangerous. And then there are times like these that I wish I didn't know as much, so I wouldn't be as nervous as I am right now. To make a long story short, I think I may have a gastric ulcer. Which is basically bleeding in my stomach... Hopefully, I am wrong. Keep me in your thoughts, and I will keep ya posted.


Nadette said...

I hope that you will be ok, and I bet you will be. Self diagnosis is not the most reliable thing; I know my relatives who are nurses/doc always jump to the worst conclusion. I will light a candle for you