Consonants and Vowels...

As I go on my journey that is my life, I am inclined to write about experiences or feelings, share pics, recipes, ideas, oh just whatever may pop into my cluttered brain. Feel free to read and or share if you so desire...

Monday, January 5, 2009

Eihwaz Meditation

I forgot to post this the other night... I had the eihwaz rune fall out when I was doing a reading so I meditated on it a bit...

So I meditated on the rune itself and ended up under a very large tree. The branches were long and slender and flexible. There were no leaves on this tree, but it was not dead. At first glance I thought it was dead, long gone. I could smell the earth very strongly and noticed that I was barefoot, digging my toes in the dirt as I love to do... The tree was alone, but there were other trees in the distance. Some had full leaves, some had sparse leaves, a few looked pretty dead. I wasn't sure if I should walk or what? So, I sat for a moment in front of the tree. A piece of bark was peeling off like parchment and when I picked it off, I noticed some lines. It looked like "something", a drawing, or a symbol but it wasn't finished yet. It frustrated me that I couldn't make out what it was. For some reason, I ate it. I chewed it up and swallowed it. It tasted like bread ( like communion at church when I used to go). I felt whole, my heart warmed and I stood up to see the leaves on the tree explode into growth and even flowers bloom. They were beautiful blue flowers. I stood under the tree as the wind blew and the petals rained overhead like a blue petal shower... It was absolutely breathtaking.

What appears to be dead or gone may be dormant or hidden. If I internalize that death or change then that can lead to new life and beauty... lol At least that is my take on this! It was a really powerful meditation... I could still taste the bread on my tongue.


SunTiger said...

Way cool. Taking in the body of the tree is powerful, indeed. Accepting the "unknowable" is more powerful, even still.

~ Lovingly

Nadette said...

Wow. I would have to say what stuck me most was that it was a unquestioned action of faith, that eating it would make something happen and if that was a good or a bad thing wasn't really an issue. I don't know that's what I thought anyways :D

and to answer your comment on my blog, I think that one of the reasons I feel better durring the waning moon is because at an early age I found out that I can not have kids, so I have always felt a little cheated of the mother stage that should happen in my life, and I am just now starting to work pass that feeling.