Consonants and Vowels...

As I go on my journey that is my life, I am inclined to write about experiences or feelings, share pics, recipes, ideas, oh just whatever may pop into my cluttered brain. Feel free to read and or share if you so desire...

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

"Because you are a sinner, that is why"

Never did I expect to hear that phrase uttered as a reason for my child's Autism.

However, today I did. I went to the pharmacy to pick up Colin's meds. The pharmacist there is very nice and we usually chit chat a bit. He has a daughter with a similar disorder as Colin's. So we discuss meds, treatments, etc. I have been going to this particular pharmacy for over 6 months now. Anyway, the usual gabbing led to him explaining that he went to a seminar on these types of disorders such as Autism and he discovered that the reason his daughter had the problems she did was because he needed to be "repentant"... He spoke so quickly and so excitedly, I had to ask him several times to repeat himself. But, apparently, he and his wife had not repented for their sins and accepted Jesus into their lives and that is why their child was afflicted with Autism. He said that he paid money... went to a seminar where he could repent and learn to repent some more and that his daughter is now off of her meds. (He chortled when I asked how her behavior was off of the meds and then he said that maybe he had some more praying to do.) He flat out said that I probably had some repenting to do and should look into this spirit root cause for Colin's condition...

I got home and pulled up the website. Holy Shit. For about 300 dollars and the expense to fly or drive to my choice of 5 states, they will teach me how to repent and touch on the important issues that may have caused my child's sickness, such as:

1. Sin & Spirit World Realities
2. Separation
3. Seven Steps to Sin
4. Roots of Disease
5. Walk-Out
6. Bitterness
7. Accusation
8. Door Points
9. Water Baptism
10. Nutrition
11. Occultism
12. Envy/Jealousy
13. Rejection
14. 8R’s to Freedom
15. Unloving Spirits
16. Addictions (sugar, video games etc.)
17. Fear
18. Blocks to Healing
19. Gifts & Baptism with the Holy Spirit

And to quote their site:

"Many diseases are the result of separation between God, yourself, and others. For My Life™ identifies and ministers to the root causes behind these separations. "

I hate to sound so fucking cynical, but seriously. I wanted to tell this mother f***er off so badly. But, I could not. I feel sorry for him. I really do. And all of the other poor folks that have bought into this crap. It is so hard to have a child with a problem. As a parent, you blame yourself everyday. Even if the proof is glaring you in the face that it is NOT your fault, you still go down that sorry and depressing road. Leave it to a few assholes to capitalize on these poor parent's guilt. However, I suppose if you are interested in this sort of C-R-A-P here is the website.

Have Fun.


Melissa said...

Sick. Those people will always be out there doing this kind of sh*t. Sometimes I wonder if it shouldn't be made illegal. But that will never happen.

Don't take it personally ~ you know full well one has NOTHING to do with the other. And for the people buying into it ~ perhaps they have some lessons to learn about not being sheep. Glad you are 'smarter' than that.

~Deep Breath~