Consonants and Vowels...

As I go on my journey that is my life, I am inclined to write about experiences or feelings, share pics, recipes, ideas, oh just whatever may pop into my cluttered brain. Feel free to read and or share if you so desire...

Friday, April 2, 2010

Still nothing

I have been in a funk for about a month or so now.  Just in a crappy mood, hard to cheer up, hard to impress.  Every thing I do seems to take an enormous amount of effort.  I am tired...

Work is going well.  Still plugging away, but even frustrated there... Home is a mess.  I am preparing to move and both homes are in disarray right now.  I have no space to really call mine just yet and it is eating at me.  In a few weeks that will be better.  For now, I suffer. :)

The moon has been beautiful the past few nights, I sat outside late last night just soaking it up...Normally, when the moon is full I feel at my best but this month I just feel restless, unsettled.  


SunTiger said...

Hope this all turns around for you rather quickly. I have gone through "times" like you describe but then, the dust settles. "Situation depression" I call it.

Not having a place to really rest with all your "stuff" in order is pretty unsettling. Hope you get your home exactly as you like it very soon.